Tuesday, 15 November 2011

The cage is open

The lovely, sincere, and oh so talented Melody Ross taught me how to clean out and protect my soul house, identify and live my truths, to just do it anyway, as I painted and mod podged myself to a peaceful place in Soul Restoration 1 in January.

She taught me how to write my mission statement, set my goals, and make decisions so that I am always living in alignment with what is the most important to me in Soul Restoration 2 in March.

She taught me that life outside of the cage is where we all should be… always… that ‘shame’ is a terrorist and a destroyer, and that it is always best just to cry harder when you have a safe and loving place to do so at Brave Girls Camp in October.

Her latest lesson came to me as I begin the soul searching,reading through the curriculum, and creating what will soon become volume one of my Soul Book.

I want to remember that no one steals my light without my permission. I want to remember not to give anyone that permission.

I want to remember that no one is going to make my dreams come true for me… It is my job to get up every day and work towards the things that are deepest in my heart… and to enjoy every step of the journey rather than wishing I was already where I want to end up.

I must remember that I must be the example to others of how I want to be treated. If I want to be treated with kindness and respect, I must first treat myself with kindness and respect. If I want to be treated with love and patience, I must first treat myself with love and patience. I teach others how to treat me.

I want to remember that I get to decide.

I want to remember to let nothing enslave me.

Sometimes I forget that it doesn’t really matter what other people think.

Sometimes I forget that my dreams matter.

Sometimes I forget that being authentic often means that I am very very different from most people around me, and that it is worth it to be authentic.

Sometimes I forget that just because I am feeling afraid, that does not mean that I am not brave… and that bravery means just moving forward into what we know in our hearts to d Fear and all.

Sometimes I forget that I need to just stop and get very very quiet.

Sometimes I forget that I get to choose.

Sometimes I forget that I am very very very loved and never forgotten.

Sometimes I forget to go where the peace is.

I am just about to embark on the journey of ‘Brave Mothers and Daughters’, and I cannot wait to see what gifts she is going to pass on to me and my daughters through her online classroom.

There are not enough words to properly convey the profound impact this woman has had on my spirit. Thank you SO much Brave Melody for helping me find the path back to my self. I can honestly say I have never felt me-er than me than I do at this time in my life.

The cage is open.
